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MyPowerCart - Baggage Series

iPad, Android Tablets Transportation and Charging Case


Charge & Sync your Mobile devices in one case with protection which facilitate transportation and outdoor activities with tablets comfortably


MyPowerCart Baggage is a rolling case designed to protect and transport up to 16 iPad or tablet devices with USB connectors while also providing full-rate charge and sync capabilities. It’s hardshell construction, telescoping handle, and inline skate wheels ensure a smooth and secure ride for your tablet devices. The interior foam padding adds an extra layer of cushioning.


MyPowerCart Baggage是一個流動行李式箱子,設計用於保護和運輸多達16部iPad或平板電腦裝置,同時提供全速充電和同步功能。其堅固的硬殼結構、伸縮手柄和內置滾輪確保您的平板設備在移動中平穩且安全。內部泡沫墊層提供額外的緩衝保護。
因此,無論路途多遙遠崎嶇,MyPowerCart Baggage都能讓您的設備安全到達目的地!還可以充電,一舉兩得!

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